# Linux Fax Stack Setup (HylaFax & SIP) - ***This guide is WIP*** - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS VM (VirtualBox, LXC?) - **TODO: Test on Debian / RockPi / RaspberryPi** - **TODO: Test on Eventphone Infra**
## Setup t38modem - **TODO: Package t38modem with service files and config** ## Opal - http://wiki.opalvoip.org/index.php?n=Main.HomePage - Don't use `libavformat-dev` -> Compile error in Opal - https://sourceforge.net/projects/opalvoip/files/ - Version 3.18.6 - **TODO: Test out other versions** - `.tar.bz2` files for *nix ### Build PTLib - Version 2.18.6 - Dependency of Opal, bundled with Opal source code (SourceForge) - http://wiki.opalvoip.org/index.php?n=Main.BuildingPTLibUnix - **TODO: Remove dependencies, most of them are optional** ```bash sudo apt install \ g++ git make autoconf libpcap-dev libexpat1-dev libssl-dev libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev \ unixodbc-dev liblua5.3-dev libv8-dev libncurses-dev libsdl2-dev \ libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev ``` - PTLib will be installed in the `/usr/local` tree -> set `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` to be findable (compile time) - Set `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` to find PTLib at compile and run time - Set `PTLIBPLUGINDIR` (compile and run time) - (To compile as static library: `./configure --disable-shared`) ```bash export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig # compile time export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib # compile and run time export PTLIBPLUGINDIR=/usr/local/lib/ptlib-x.y.z # compile and run time cd ptlib-x.y.z/ ./configure make sudo make install ``` ### Build Opal - Version 3.18.6 - http://wiki.opalvoip.org/index.php?n=Main.BuildingOpalUnix - Dont use `libavcodec-dev` -> Compile error - **TODO: Remove dependencies, most of them are optional** ```bash sudo apt install \ libsrtp2-dev libgsm1-dev libspeex-dev libopus-dev libx264-dev \ libvpx-dev libtheora-dev libspandsp-dev dahdi ``` - (To compile as static library: `./configure --disable-shared`) ```bash export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig # compile time export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib # compile and run time export PTLIBPLUGINDIR=/usr/local/lib/ptlib-x.y.z:/usr/local/lib/opal-a.b.c # compile and run time cd opal-a.b.c/ ./configure make sudo make install ``` ## t38modem - https://github.com/hehol/t38modem, Version 4.6.2 - Could also use https://github.com/T38Modem/t38modem, not as maintained - If you are getting error about `-1` not being able to be casted to a `long unsigned int` due to `-Wnarrowing` inside `dle.cxx`, you can add `-Wno-narrowing` to the `CPPFLAGS` in the Makefile to disable this error ```bash cd t38modem-x.y.z/ make sudo cp ./t38modem /usr/local/bin ``` - t38modem can only find Opal if `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PTLIBPLUGINDIR` are environment variables to the program ### Init script - To automatically start t38modem, you need to create Systemd services, as well as start and stop scripts - script is adapted from https://web.archive.org/web/20111231021042/https://www.foriamroot.org/hylafax-6-0-debian-or-ubuntu-t38modem-1-0-asterisk-1-6/ - `sudo mkdir -p /etc/t38modem/bin/` ```bash #!/bin/bash # /etc/t38modem/bin/run export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib export PTLIBPLUGINDIR=/usr/local/lib/ptlib-x.y.z:/usr/local/lib/opal-a.b.c # Adjust lib versions! case "$1" in start) . /etc/t38modem/config # defines # - T38MODEM_SIP_USERNAME # - T38MODEM_SIP_PASSWORD # - T38MODEM_SIP_SERVER # - T38MODEM_STUN if [ -z ${T38MODEM_STUN+x} ]; then $STUN="--stun ${T38MODEM_STUN}" else $STUN="" fi COMMAND="t38modem -u T38modem --ptty +/dev/ttyT38-1 --sip-proxy ${T38MODEM_SIP_USERNAME}:${T38MODEM_SIP_PASSWORD}@${T38MODEM_SIP_SERVER} --sip-register ${T38MODEM_SIP_USERNAME}@${T38MODEM_SIP_SERVER},${T38MODEM_SIP_PASSWORD} --sip-listen udp\$:5060 --route t38:.*=sip:@${T38MODEM_SIP_SERVER} --route sip:.*=t38: ${STUN}" echo "${COMMAND}" exec $COMMAND > /dev/null 2>&1 & PID=$! echo "Starting t38modem with pid $PID (pidfile /run/t38modem.pid)" echo $PID > /run/t38modem.pid ;; stop) if [ ! -f "/run/t38modem.pid" ]; then echo "t38modem is not running! (/run/t38modem.pid does not exist)" exit 1 fi echo -n "Stopping t38modem pid: " PID=`cat /run/t38modem.pid` kill -9 $PID rm /run/t38modem.pid echo "${PID} Done" ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}" exit 1 ;; esac exit 0 ``` ```bash sudo chmod +x /etc/t38modem/bin/run ``` - `-t` enables debugging - More `t`'s is deeper debugging (e.g. `-tttt`) - You can of course run the t38modem command without this init script - If t38modem says it was able to create the virtual modem but `/dev/ttyT38-1` is not available, you do not have sufficient permissions - Configuration is specified in `/etc/t38modem/config` ```bash # /etc/t38modem/config T38MODEM_SIP_USERNAME="USERNAME" T38MODEM_SIP_PASSWORD="PASSWORD" T38MODEM_SIP_SERVER="voip.example.com" # T38MODEM_STUN="stun.example.com" # optional ``` - Give only root access to the config ```bash sudo chown root:root /etc/t38modem/config sudo chmod 700 /etc/t38modem/config ``` - You can now communicate with your modem `/dev/ttyT38-1` , just as if it was a real Hayes compatible modem (https://www.computerhope.com/atcom.htm) - Test using minicom, configure it to point to our modem. Each command is initiated by a Return - Dial a number: - Get the attention of the modem: `at` -> `OK` - Dial: `atd0123456789` - If all works correctly you should be able to answer the phone and hear a single beep - Answer a call: - Get the attention of the modem: `at` -> `OK` - *Call the number of your modem* - -> `RING` - Answer the call: `ata` -> `CONNECT` - You should now hear your modem "talking" to you - Pitfalls: - If you are already connected to your SIP server it may not give proper response codes. My provider returns `500 Internal Server Error` - Test the command before running the init script! ### systemd service ```toml # /etc/systemd/system/t38modem.service [Unit] Description=t38modem After=network-online.target Wants=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/etc/t38modem/bin/run start ExecStop=/etc/t38modem/bin/run stop PIDFile=/run/t38modem.pid KillMode=none Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` - Enable the service: ```bash sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable t38modem.service sudo systemctl start t38modem.service ```
## Install HylaFax - Version 6 - `sudo apt install hylafax-server` - Set Postfix Configuration to **Local only** in dpkg-reconfigure menu - Run `sudo faxsetup` - Add new modem - Enter correct modem port (`ttyT38-1`) - Enter dialing configuration - Accept default configuration for everything else - It should automatically detect it to be a `T38FAX` modem - Look at `man sendfax` to send faxes - `fgetty` (the service to receive faxes) should be enabled automatically - Bugs: - If you get some error about protocol errors, just let HylaFax do its thing. Fax over SIP is not stable at all in my experience
## Cron - Alias your fax admin account as `FaxMaster` (`/etc/aliases`) ```bash # /etc/aliases # [...] # HylaFax FaxMaster: $USER # replace with fax admin account ``` - Add standard tasks to crontab file: `crontab -e` ```bash 0 * * * * /usr/sbin/faxqclean 25 23 * * * sh /usr/sbin/faxcron | mail FaxMaster ```