use anyhow::{bail, Result}; use itertools::Itertools; use radix_fmt::radix; use rust_embed::RustEmbed; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::vec; use crate::arg; use crate::lexer; use crate::parser; pub trait ToCode { fn to_code(&self) -> String; } pub trait ByteResolvable { fn resolve_number(&self, data: &mut T) -> Result; fn resolve_bytes(&self, data: &mut T) -> Result>; fn resolve_string(&self, data: &mut T) -> Result; } pub const PROGRAM_SIZE: u16 = 32 * 1024; pub type Program = [u8; PROGRAM_SIZE as usize]; #[derive(RustEmbed)] #[folder = "lib/"] #[prefix = "$lib/"] pub struct Lib; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Macro { pub args: Vec, pub body: parser::ast::Body, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Data { pub dir: String, pub ast: parser::ast::AST, pub program: Program, pub offset: u16, pub body_stack: Vec, pub constants: HashMap, pub macros: HashMap, pub includes: HashSet, pub tmp: Vec, pub tmp_offset: u16, pub tmp_enabled: bool, } impl Data { pub fn new(dir: String, ast: parser::ast::AST) -> Self { Self { dir, body_stack: ast.body.iter().rev().cloned().collect(), ast, program: [0; PROGRAM_SIZE as usize], offset: 0, constants: HashMap::new(), macros: HashMap::new(), includes: HashSet::new(), tmp: vec![], tmp_offset: 0, tmp_enabled: false, } } pub fn resolve_node(&mut self) -> Result>> { let node = match self.body_stack.pop() { Some(x) => x, None => bail!("Body stack empty. No more nodes to resolve"), }; match node { parser::ast::Node::Comment(_) => Ok(None), parser::ast::Node::Label(x) => { self.constants.insert(x, arg::Arg::Number(self.offset)); Ok(None) } parser::ast::Node::Call { name, arg } => { let opcode: u8 = match name.as_str() { "nop" => 0x00, "push" => 0x01, "pop" => 0x02, "ts" => 0x03, "tsr" => 0x04, "tss" => 0x05, "tlr" => 0x06, "tlrc" => 0x07, "tls" => 0x08, "ld" => 0x09, "dbg" => 0x0a, "alu" => 0x0b, "get" => 0x0c, "set" => 0x0d, _ => bail!("Unknown opcode: {}", name), }; let a = match arg { Some(x) => x.resolve_number(self)?, None => 0, }; if a == 0 { Ok(Some(vec![opcode | 0b10000000])) } else { Ok(Some(vec![opcode, (a >> 8) as u8, a as u8])) } } parser::ast::Node::MacroCall { name, args } => match name.as_str() { "debug" => { for arg in args { let assembly = arg.to_code().replace('\n', "\\n"); let num = arg.resolve_number(self)?; let bytes = arg.resolve_bytes(self)?; println!("{}", assembly); let bin_num = radix(num, 2).to_string(); println!( " => 0b{}{}", "0000000000000000"[..16 - bin_num.len()].to_owned(), bin_num ); println!(" => {}", num); let hex_num = radix(num, 16).to_string(); println!( " => 0x{}{}", "0000"[..4 - hex_num.len()].to_owned(), hex_num ); println!( " => [{}]", bytes .iter() .map(|n| { let num = radix(*n, 16).to_string(); format!( "0x{}{}", "00".chars().take(2 - num.len()).collect::(), num ) }) .join(", ") ); } Ok(None) } "define" => { let name = match &args[0] { arg::Arg::Variable(x) | arg::Arg::String(x) => x, _ => { bail!("First argument of define macro needs to be a variable") } }; self.constants.insert(name.clone(), (&args[1]).clone()); Ok(None) } "define_num_nl" => { let name = match &args[0] { arg::Arg::Variable(x) => x, _ => { bail!("First argument of define macro needs to be a variable") } }; let a = arg::Arg::Number(args[1].resolve_number(self)?); self.constants.insert(name.clone(), a); Ok(None) } "macro" => { let name = match &args[0] { arg::Arg::Variable(x) | arg::Arg::String(x) => x, _ => { bail!("First argument of define macro needs to be a literal-like value") } }; let args = (&args[1..]) .iter() .map(|a| match a { arg::Arg::Variable(x) => Ok(x.clone()), _ => bail!("Macro arguments need to be variables"), }) .collect::>>()?; let mut depth: usize = 1; let body: Vec<_> = self .body_stack .iter() .rev() .take_while(|n| match n { parser::ast::Node::MacroCall { name, args: _ } => match name.as_str() { "macro" => { depth += 1; true } "endmacro" => { depth -= 1; depth != 0 } _ => true, }, _ => true, }) .cloned() .collect(); self.body_stack .drain((self.body_stack.len() - body.len() - 1)..) .for_each(drop); self.macros.insert(name.clone(), Macro { args, body }); Ok(None) } "if" => { let cond = (args[0].resolve_number(self)? & 1) == 1; dbg!(cond); let mut if_depth: usize = 1; let body: Vec<_> = self .body_stack .iter() .rev() .take_while(|n| match n { parser::ast::Node::MacroCall { name, args: _ } => match name.as_str() { "if" => { if_depth += 1; true } "endif" => { if_depth -= 1; if_depth != 0 } _ => true, }, _ => true, }) .cloned() .collect(); self.body_stack .drain((self.body_stack.len() - body.len() - 1)..) .for_each(drop); dbg!(&body); let mut iter = body.iter().enumerate(); if let Some(pos) = loop { if let Some(pos) = { if let parser::ast::Node::MacroCall { name, args: _ } = pos.1 { match name.as_str() { "if" => { break None; } "else" => { break Some(pos); } _ => {} } } } else { break None; } } { self.body_stack.extend(if cond { body[..pos.0].to_vec() } else { body[(pos.0 + 1)..].to_vec() }); } else if cond { self.body_stack.extend(body.into_iter().rev()); } Ok(None) } "org" => { self.offset = args[0].resolve_number(self)?; Ok(None) } "org_add" => { self.offset = self.offset.wrapping_add(args[0].resolve_number(self)?); Ok(None) } "org_sub" => { self.offset = self.offset.wrapping_sub(args[0].resolve_number(self)?); Ok(None) } "bytes" => { let mut data: Vec = vec![]; for arg in args { data.append(&mut arg.resolve_bytes(self)?); } if data.is_empty() { Ok(None) } else { Ok(Some(data)) } } "embed" => { let arg = args[0].resolve_string(self)?; let data = if Path::new(&arg).starts_with("$lib") { match Lib::get(arg.as_str()) { Some(x) =>, None => bail!("Virtual lib file couldn't be found with path: {}", arg), } } else { let path = Path::new(&self.dir).join(arg); fs::read(path)? }; Ok(Some(data)) } "requires" => { let arg = args[0].resolve_string(self)?; if !self.includes.contains(&arg) { bail!("File requires include of not included file: {}", arg); } Ok(None) } "include" => { let arg = args[0].resolve_string(self)?; let source = if Path::new(&arg).starts_with("$lib") { match Lib::get(arg.as_str()) { Some(x) => std::str::from_utf8(&, None => bail!("Virtual lib file couldn't be found with path: {}", arg), } } else { let path = Path::new(&self.dir).join(&arg); fs::read_to_string(path)? }; self.includes.insert(arg); let body = parser::parse(lexer::lex(source)?)?.body; self.body_stack .extend(body.into_iter().rev().collect::>()); Ok(None) } _ => match self.macros.get(&name) { Some(m) => { if m.args.len() != args.len() { bail!( "Macro call argument signature does not match: (.macro {name}{macro_args}) != (.{name}{call_args})", macro_args = if m.args.is_empty() { "".to_string() } else { format!(" {}", m.args.join(", ")) }, call_args = if args.is_empty() { "".to_string() } else { format!(" {}", args.iter().map(|a| a.to_code()).join(", ")) } ); } // dbg!(&args); for (i, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() { self.constants.insert(m.args[i].clone(), arg.clone()); } self.body_stack .append(&mut m.body.iter().rev().cloned().collect()); Ok(None) } None => bail!("Unknown macro: {}", name), }, }, } } pub fn assemble(&mut self) -> Result { let offset_name = "OFFSET".to_string(); while !self.body_stack.is_empty() { self.constants .insert(offset_name.clone(), arg::Arg::Number(self.offset)); match self.resolve_node()? { Some(x) => { if self.offset + (x.len() as u16) > 32 * 1024 { bail!( "Offset out of bounds: 0x{} > 0x8000", radix(self.offset, 16) ); } for byte in x { self.program[self.offset as usize] = byte; self.offset += 1; } } None => {} } } Ok(self.program) } }