## [0.2.0] - January 2, 2022 - BREAKING CHANGE! * [CheckboxIconFormfield] Replace `accentIconTheme.color` with `colorScheme.secondary` as `accentIconTheme.color` is deprecated * [CheckboxListTileFormfield] Add `contentPadding` and `autofocus` ## [0.1.2] - January 2, 2022 * Update library versions, the sample and README.md ## [0.1.1] - December 5, 2021 * Update for new versions: null safety, onChanged, autovalidateMode ## [0.1.0+3] - April 22, 2020 * Update description * Fix typo: checkbox_list tile_formfield.dart --> checkbox_list_tile_formfield.dart ## [0.1.0+2] - April 22, 2020 * Update description ## [0.1.0+1] - April 12, 2020 * Add example directory ## [0.1.0] - April 12, 2020 * Big fix: CheckboxIconFormField.enabled was not working * Default colors can be set by providing `context` properly * Update README.md ## [0.0.1] - April 12, 2020 * Add CheckboxListTileFormField * Add CheckboxIconFormField